Starting Your Yoga Practice

If you’re new to yoga, coming to a studio can be intimidating—we get it. That’s why we offer our beginner class series.

We’re ready to help you get started on your own journey of self-exploration and self-improvement through yoga. We’re also here to help demystify and simplify this ancient discipline, making it relevant to the modern world and accessible to those of us who live in it.

Whatever your age or fitness level, yoga is one of the best ways to stay mentally and physically healthy—period. But, if you're new to yoga, it can be hard to know where to start. Everybody is different and, therefore, everybody’s yoga practice needs to be individualized, which is exactly what our beginners yoga program is designed to do.


Specific Class Descriptions

Beginner Yoga

This class is designed for beginners, people recovering from illness or injury, and athletes who want to compliment their cardio with increased flexibility. We’ll focus on core yoga poses—both seated and standing (often with modifications), emphasizing range of motion, increased flexibility, balance, and strength. Helpful incorporation of props as needed such as folded blankets, yoga blocks, and belts. This class also emphasizes the importance of pranayama, or breath work, in good health, fitness and healing. Ends with savasana.

hot beginner yoga

done in our heated yoga room where temperature is set ~99 degrees. Heat helps relax muscles and other connective tissue allowing us to go deeper into our yoga poses. This class will follow a static sequence of poses to help build confidence over time in your practice. Definitely bring water and a sweat towel! Ends with savasana.